Category Archives: Boys bedroom

Ultimate Gamer birthday presents! What to get your gamer fanatic this year!

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Possibly the greatest Birthday present for the ultimate gamer in your life! It’s the Gamer Bed! Kids bed? Check! Gaming desk? Check! Sofa bed for sleepovers? Check? Parent of the year? You’ll have to see! Transform your teenagers bedroom space by investing in a multifunctional bed, not only does it save space but also looks […]

Update your boys bedroom – 4 tips to a simple and effective bedroom update

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Redecorating is a hard task, there’s never a quick win or an easy fix, so it is important to get it spot on first time round. No matter your boys age, knowing how to style a boys bedroom can be difficult. Do you redecorate after each phase they go through? Do you try to incorporate […]

Messy kids bedrooms a problem? Tips to keep as orgnaised as possible.

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Kids not keeping up to their New Years resolutions to keep their rooms tidy? We all know that keeping your child’s bedroom tidy can be difficult, especially if they’re pulling everything out to play with. However, we’ve put together some of our top tips to help keep their rooms tidy. Lets hope there’s something to […]

Boys bedroom makeover – 3 top tips for a bedroom transformation!

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Boys bedroom are often be difficult to style and work out how to make practical use of the space available. Transitioning from young childhood bedrooms to something that they can use and enjoy is a difficult decision and not a task that can be taken lightly. Here’s our guide to teenage bedroom ideas for the […]