Category Archives: Small bedroom

Messy kids bedrooms a problem? Tips to keep as orgnaised as possible.

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Kids not keeping up to their New Years resolutions to keep their rooms tidy? We all know that keeping your child’s bedroom tidy can be difficult, especially if they’re pulling everything out to play with. However, we’ve put together some of our top tips to help keep their rooms tidy. Lets hope there’s something to […]

3 tips to help you upgrade your kids room from baby to early years

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Upgrading your kids room for the early years of their life to a small child attending school is quite a leap. The needs of your child continues to grow and develop but need to remain flexible in their style. Almost without realising your child goes from tiny beds to inquisitive toddlers, to school age in […]

Our most popular kids’ beds brands this year – 2024 round up!

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Take a look at some of our most popular kids’ beds brands this year. As we near the end of the year it is time to look back at some of your most popular kids’ beds purchases and your favourite brands!   Thuka Thuka is renowned for producing stylish bedroom furniture for any age child and […]

Maximise the space in the small bedroom in your home

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Don’t give your smallest bedroom the cold shoulder! A box room requires some planning and scoping out, but it can often be transformed into one of the most usable spaces in your home. Box rooms stereotypically have a lot of negative connotations of being small, chaotic and unimaginative, but actually, a box room is filled […]