Kids Bed Sizes: Find the Perfect Fit for Your Child’s Room

Young girl stood in front of bunk bed

Deciding on the perfect bed size for your child’s room shouldn’t be a puzzle. As kids grow, their bed needs change—from the compact cots of infancy to the spacious frames that teens crave. In this guide, you’ll discover the array of kids’ bed sizes tailored to each stage of childhood, ensuring your choice maximises comfort […]

Mid sleeper beds: Multiple uses in one compact and sleek space

orp001 orpheus midsleeper all white roomset 1

Perfect space savers To maximise the space in your kid’s bedroom you might want to consider investing in a mid sleeper to maximise floor space and available storage. Mid sleepers that incorporate essential storage and furniture reduce the need for additional furniture in your kids bedrooms. Meaning you can optimise how your kids use their room […]